Bona Fide Fake

My new fake boyfriend may not like me, but he needs me. There are worse foundations for a relationship.

Toni Fairweather is a liar and a fake. I suspected it the day we met, but when he lies to his friends about being my boyfriend, I know for sure. I’ll play along with his deception, but Toni will owe me – big time.

I have my own reasons for needing a boyfriend. Someone who can handle me. Someone who can keep me in line. Toni is demanding enough to fulfil every requirement.

I don’t need to like the man… to obey him.

I never meant to fake a relationship with the lead singer of a local rock band. But the fib popped out over lunch with my best friend, and now I’m expected to present my new boyfriend at his engagement party next month.

The good news? I’m not the only one in need of a date.

Being boyfriends for a month shouldn’t be hard, but I do have one condition: this won’t be some fake boyfriends deal. I want a real relationship, and Ned’s going to give it to me.

The Harder We Fall

For years, I’ve been bound by sleeplessness and sorrow. His voice threatens to set me free.

Insomnia. It’s the penance I pay for my greatest mistake. But when an ill-timed doze behind the wheel almost introduces me to a pole, I know something has to change.

Sleep with Me, a locally-made meditation app, promises a cure. I don’t expect it to work. Nor do I expect to be seduced by the voice of its creator, Sam.

Night after night, he gets inside my head. Coaxing me. Manipulating me. The situation becomes intolerable and I decide to meet the man I’ve been ‘sleeping’ with. I must own his secrets – before he ends up owning me.

In person, the quiet and reclusive Sam is his own kind of complicated. He needs my help as much as I need his, and we form an unlikely partnership.

It’s only business. It can’t be more. Even if Sam refuses to deny the pull between us. Even if my need to get closer is more than my guilty conscience will allow.

I have no right to love, not after the damage I’ve done. How can I give Sam all he deserves, when our chance at a happy ending was ruined before we even met?

Trigger Warning: This book deals with issues of long-term complicated grief over the death of a loved one.

The Experiment

When a single kiss calls your sexuality into question, there’s only one sure path to a reliable answer: further research.

I’m a ‘what you see is what you get’ kind of man, and what you get happens to be straight. That’s a fact – tried and true. When losing a bet means kissing my best friend, Logan, I already know I’ll hate every second of it.

Until I don’t.

One taste of Logan’s mouth inspires all sorts of new and exciting questions. Thankfully, as a trained psychologist, I know exactly how to uncover the truth about myself, once and for all.

I’ve put a lot of effort into keeping Patrick out of my fantasies and in the friend-zone. Our recent lip-lock may have unleashed my desire for him temporarily, but I’ll get us back on our platonic track in no time. Falling for a straight friend is a one-way ticket to heartache.

Then Patrick announces his intention to conduct an experiment. He wants to know how far his newfound bisexuality goes. I can’t resist volunteering to help.

If any man is going to seduce Patrick in the name of science, it’s going to be me.

Becoming Us

She’s the woman I’ve always loved. He’s the man I’ve never stopped wanting. Who says I can’t have everything?


Falling in love with Gabi at eighteen was easy. Falling for Connor at the same time? That’s where things got complicated. When I discovered their latent feelings for each other, it seemed like all the pieces of us were falling into place. Until the night I offered Connor a taste of Gabi’s kiss – from my lips – and everything fell apart.

Six years have passed, but I’m still the same selfish bastard who wants more than his fair share of love. If I ever get a second chance, I’ll do anything to make them mine.


The night I found my boyfriend cheating on me with my oldest crush, my heart broke. I managed to rebuild my friendship with Connor, even after he left town. But Lawrence is nothing more to me than my brother’s best friend – and the best man at his upcoming wedding.

Connor’s recent return has rekindled the attraction that’s always lingered beneath the surface of our friendship. A romantic weekend of wedding celebrations seems like the perfect opportunity to explore the possibilities between us. If Lawrence is forced to watch from the sidelines, so be it.


As a male super-model, I’ve been voted World’s Sexiest Man – twice. But Gabi has only ever treated me as a friend. When she asks me to be her date for the wedding, I know this is my chance to win her heart – even if I have to do it under Lawrence’s watchful gaze.

But Lawrence has never been good at keeping his distance, and the kiss we shared all those years ago started something that has yet to be resolved. How do I keep him from coming between me and Gabi, when that’s exactly where I want him?

Finding Grey

When being seduced by a rock star, only a fool falls in love.

The night Dante Sinclair lured me into his dressing room and gave me my first kiss, I was oblivious to one important fact: all rock stars are spoiled narcissists. I learned my lesson when our failed attempt at a reunion left me humiliated and heartbroken.

Now, Dante is booked into the music retreat I run. Years have passed, so I know he won’t recognise me. He’ll have no idea the man cooking his meals and washing his clothes is the same skinny boy he kissed so long ago. And when he begins to look at me like I’m his new favourite muse, my anonymity will be my only protection against the sensuality of his charms.

Grey. It’s the name I gave to the only boy I ever kissed. He is my favourite memory. The place my mind goes when the expectations of rock stardom threaten to choke me. I barely remember what he looked like, but I’ll never forget the way he made me feel.

When I came to this retreat, my goals were simple: get out of my creative rut and write my new album. But one look into Sean’s eyes is enough to threaten the tenuous control I have over my life. He swears we’ve never met, but there’s a Grey-ness to him that inspires me, even as it makes me ache to satisfy the cravings I’ve denied for so long.

He may not be my Grey—but he’s close enough.

All the Broken Pieces

Sometimes letting your heart set the rules is a good way to lose your mind.

Jeremy Hayden knows what it’s like to be lost in someone else’s pain. After years of trying and failing to save the man he loved, Jeremy’s determined to learn how to put his own needs first. That means staying away from people who are damaged. From now on, the only person Jeremy wants to save is himself.

Harrison Winters is the kind of damaged that cracks all the way to the bone. Forged by a childhood of violence and betrayal, he lives every day on the edge of darkness. Discipline and a strict set of rules keep his mind stable and his life on track. He doesn’t need anyone to save him, no matter how broken he is.

When Harrison falls for the sunshine of Jeremy’s smile, he sees his chance for a brighter future – only to discover he is everything Jeremy has vowed to avoid. Revealing the truth about his past would bring an end to their newfound happiness. To stay silent means breaking the rules that keep his mind free from the darkness.

With his heart on the line and his sanity under threat, Harrison knows one wrong move will break him. If that happens, there may not be anything left to save.

Everything We Need

The path to true love may not begin with a threesome, but you have to start somewhere.

Trina Carrigan is searching for love. After a lifetime of following her instincts, and getting nowhere, she’s determined to use logic to find her happily-ever-after. Unfortunately, there is nothing logical about her attraction to her new gay flatmate, Jeremy. The sooner she finds her Mr Right, the better.

Jeremy Hayden needs a friend. Still recovering from the isolation of an abusive relationship, he’s struggling to build a new life for himself. He’s delighted to find a friend in Trina, but there’s a catch: he’s not as gay as she thinks he is, and he’s having trouble keeping his hands to himself.

Brady Shaw wants only to be left alone. A moment of weakness has torn his life apart and he’s walked away from the remains. His newfound peace is shattered, however, when he discovers the perfect incarnation of all he’s trying to escape living right next door. Jeremy brings to life every craving Brady’s ever denied. Trina makes his broken heart ache to be whole. Caught between the two, Brady finds himself facing a whole new problem. He can’t quite decide whom he wants to seduce first.

This Time Forever

She wants him to want her—desperately—but without the inconvenience of wanting him back.

When Jake Caine walked out on Kelly Rawlins ten years ago, after taking her virginity and her faith in love, she put the whole affair behind her and went on with her life—or so she thought. Now Jake is back, and he seems determined to turn Kelly’s carefully ordered life upside down all over again.

Recently single, after being dumped by a man she intended to marry, Kelly begins to see all sorts of interesting possibilities in Jake’s unexpected return. Perhaps he is exactly what she needs to regain her sense of feminine power. She makes the bold decision to seduce him, and she plans to make him beg.

Jake Caine wants a second chance at love. Convinced Kelly is the perfect woman for him, he is thrilled when she reignites their passionate affair, until she makes it clear their relationship ends at the bedroom door. Committed to showing Kelly he wants more from her than sex, he begins to rebuff her advances.

But when Kelly responds by launching a no holds barred sensual ambush, will he be able to resist her? Will he break before he can convince her that, this time, he wants to love her forever?

Lost in Amber

True love should always come with a convenient expiry date.

Amber O’Hara loves her life as a single woman. She does what she wants, when she wants and never answers to anyone. And when she wants someone to do? As far as Amber is concerned, that’s what friends are for.

After a childhood marred by casual neglect, Lincoln Zane craves a deeper connection – in life and relationships. He’s not about to settle for Amber’s offer to be friends with benefits, but he will counter with an offer of his own. He’ll give her the freedom from commitment she desires, but in return he’ll demand she not shy away from the intensity of their passion for the short time they’ll be together. After all, love doesn’t have to last forever to be real.

In Lincoln’s proposal, Amber sees her chance to experience the depth of a ‘real’ relationship, without compromising her future. It’s a temptation too great to resist. But as the bond between them grows, they discover love doesn’t always play by the rules.

Now they’re lost in each other, will they ever find their way back to freedom?